Welcome back to Discover You!

Hello! It has been a LONG while since I have written - the longest break I have ever taken from my blog in fact - and I apologize for this. My website is currently being revamped to be even better and I have rebranded completely so lots of new things to share! Stay tuned in the weeks to come as I get back into weekly Sunday posts as well as some special posts throughout the week to keep you motivated!

Welcome to the new and beautiful space for Discover You! I have created Discover You with the mission to foster a community of women by generating awareness for positive fitness habits, self-care rituals, and confidence for everyday life. I want to help lead you on your own path to self-discovery.  Although my expertise and formal education is in Kinesiology, I recognize that fitness is only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to leading your best life.

Since we last connected on the blog, I have run an event in Kitchener centred around healthy habits and prioritizing yourself and I am currently in the middle of a panel discussion series in Toronto.  Later this week I will share a recap of our first two panels, Relationship with Food, and Women in the Workplace, respectively.

I want to personally thank each and every one of you for following along on this journey as I navigate what it means to create a space for women where we encourage realness, vulnerability, and growth.  Your encouragement and feedback is what keeps me excited for what is to come. Keep following along as more opportunities will be revealed in the weeks and months ahead.

For now, the Women in the Workplace panel is happening tomorrow. Tickets are still available and can be purchased here.  

As the weather gets cooler and days seem darker and grey, make a commitment to yourself this week. Despite how the dropping temperatures make you feel, remember the feeling you have after accomplishing your workout or meal prep (or whatever it might be this week!), and use that as motivation.  Not every day is easy, but if we can remember the feeling we get coming out on the other side, it will keep us wanting to come back for more.

Be fierce.  Be strong.  Be vibrant.



*Thank you for your patience as we finish up the final touches on the website!

Check out Rachel's page on Facebook or follow her on Twitter and Instagram.
Feel free to comment below with topics you would be interested in reading about in the future.


