Change is good!

As I was evaluating my career this summer, I knew it was time for a change. I wanted to focus in on Discover You, the few studios I was teaching at, and truly see what the next big step was for me. After three years of teaching post-university and experiencing success I knew I was ready for more. Early September I was approached regarding a potential job opportunity at the University of Toronto in their newly established Fitness and Performance department. I was familiar with some of the staff, interested in this new challenge and said yes! For almost 8 weeks I have been navigating a new position while juggling my other commitments.

I said yes quickly because of my familiarity with the program and coaching staff, but I was not expecting the transition to be as challenging as it was for me. I am out of my house most days starting work at 6:30am and ending 7pm or later. I have to pack a lunch every day! I have never worked 9-5, or for someone else for that matter, and I have had to do some adjusting. I guess looking back now on the past 7+ weeks I was naive to think that this new change wouldn’t come with some bumps along the way.

I have become quite comfortable teaching classes and learning how to run my business. I have developed the confidence to provide training services that I believe in. I was ready for the next step. It tested me because it wasn’t exactly how I envisioned my next move. I have never had a rigid work schedule so it has taken some getting used to. Although this environment is familiar, the routine is new and different and I am making adjustments. I will be the first to admit that I am not the greatest at dealing with change, especially when the change comes quicker than I expected.

DY Nov 5th Blog

Reflecting back on the past 2 months I have learned a few things that I need to remember:

  • I am here for a reason. If the management team did not think I was capable of doing the job well, I wouldn’t be here.

  • I have experience and knowledge in my industry and I need to be confident in what I know!

  • It is okay to not know the answer and to ask questions.

  • An adjustment period is normal and I need to have patience and trust the process. Good things are coming!

  • Enjoy having true co-workers! Get to know them and ask them questions. They have a lot of knowledge and experience to share!

Discover You is still a huge priority for me. The rest of the year will include more planning for 2020 programming and events. As I establish my new routine, I will be able to begin implementing more offerings along the way. I am so excited to keep the momentum going with this amazing community!

What are some tips or tricks that you have used in times of change, especially professionally? I definitely have a lot to learn and would love to hear from you!

Yours in self-discovery,
