The burnout was real!
When the pandemic really hit hard in March, I was very quick to jump into navigating a whole new fitness world. I started out with free Instagram Live classes which quickly turned into live Zoom classes and virtual personal training. It then led me on the path of creating a few monthly online programs in May and June, virtual webinars in July and August, and now a thriving on demand video library and online membership offerings. Phew! In all honesty, I jumped in with two feet and never looked back. I embraced the changes, learned a LOT of new skills, asked even more questions than that, and am really proud of all that has been created in 2020 for Discover You.
It wasn’t until about three weeks or so ago (early/mid November), where I started to realize I wasn’t as productive as I had been before and I was lacking creativity and energy. Because my schedule has shifted to 100% at home work, I do find I sleep better at night and overall have more energy, but I knew this was different. All of a sudden one day it hit me. “Ahhh, I’m definitely feeling some burnout!”
Now as I head into the final week and a half before taking a break from virtual classes I am feeling good and like I am reset for what’s to come. I am someone who always has a plan or idea brewing in their mind, which I do think has been beneficial, but sometimes we need to turn it down. It is totally okay to NOT think about work or your business and just enjoy life and the people around you. I did a few things, some intentionally, and some more organically, but they did help me overcome this burnout!
How I navigated burnout while still maintaining my schedule:
Worked mostly IN my business. Most business owners will tell you there are two (or more) parts to running a business. For me, it is IN the business and ON the business. I worked through my day-to-day responsibilities but I really didn’t have the capacity to create new things and that’s okay. Lately in the last week I have been feeling creative and inspired again so I am going to ride the wave!
Prioritized sleep. Sleep is something I have been attempting to work on for almost 5 years, since I finished university and have been full on in the fitness industry. I work early mornings and evenings and used to travel around the city, so quality sleep wasn’t always happening. I made sure to wind down earlier and get organized so I could actually get sleep in, and be proud of myself when I checked my FitBit results the next day :P
Enjoyed some chill time. I am usually someone who does work while I watch TV. Not super productive for either the work side of things or the enjoyment of the show. I watched and focused 100% on what I was watching more than trying to push through and work a little more at the end of the day while I was attempting to wind down with a bit of TV time.
Talked it out. I remember distinctly when walking with a friend and sharing how I was feeling. She reminded me that I had been running and hustling to keep my business moving along and that I probably needed a little breather. Sometimes the best thing to do is talk it out, ask for help, and get someone else’s opinion and support. Thanks Marika!
I don’t know about you, but I typically have weekends to my cottage, home, or a vacation to look forward to at some point in the year. But, when plans are either not happening, unknown, nonexistent, and/or ever-changing, it is easy to get sucked into all work and no play. My goal for 2021, is to continue to work just as hard, but to continue to recognize the time where I can disconnect from my devices, and enjoy my surroundings a little bit more. Everyone needs work and play in their lives!
Yours in self-discovery,