So we survived a month!
A few weeks ago, I shared my first blog post since this pandemic really hit Canada, and more specifically the Toronto area that I live in, altering so many people’s daily routines, careers, and lives. I shared the few things that had worked for me so far at the time - staying connected with family and friends, shifting my perspective to remember it wasn’t just happening to me, listening to what my body needed, and creating a to-do list to help me get things done. That was what I learned in just one week of life with social and physical distancing, but I have realized a whole lot more as this pandemic continues.
How has your first month been? Take a moment to reflect for yourself. Any specific or recurring emotions, thoughts, or feelings? Trouble sleeping? Change in appetite? Lack of workout routine? Change in mood? I think it goes without saying that all of these things are to be expected and completely normal.
For me, these have been the biggest things I have noticed:
sleeping struggles
tightness in my chest
too much news consumption
change in movement routine, I move WAY less
day-to-day my productivity can be through the roof, and then nonexistent the next
I love a good RomCom, but then it reminds me how much time I have been spending alone :P
I need my community as much as my community feels they need me and the workouts I am providing
I consume more social media than I need to
I love that I have time to cook and eat all my meals from home
These are the things I am going to continue to do or start to do because I know they will help me:
create a better sleep schedule
only watch the news in the morning and evening
plan a few intentional movement breaks for ME, outside of my teaching and coaching
watch more movies
scroll less on social media
keep cooking and eating all the food
continue to call and stay connected to my family and friends
make my to-do lists to keep me organized, but stress less if I don’t get it all done
get back to reading more
consistency with my supplements…again
Good Friday dinner with my family!
I honestly have to say the jokes about gaining weight during COVID-19 are starting to get old. I probably laughed the first or second time, but now I think it is time to shift our perspective. The list mentioned above works for me to feel my best, but it does not mean it will work for everyone. Maybe schedules and lists are overwhelming right now, or IG workouts are all too much. I think we all have to find what truly works for us and stress less about how it is going to affect our physical appearance.
The entire Discover You philosophy about what I do and how I provide for my clients is based on the way you feel. It has always been finding things that lead you to your best self. My approach has never been focused on what I look like and it certainly won’t be changing now because of this global situation. Our value is still based on the humans we are, the love we can give, and the positivity we can offer to others. Your value should never, pandemic or not, be based on how you look, how much weight you gain or lose, and how much you get done while stuck at home. Everyone will handle this unprecedented situation differently and I am here to support everyone however best I can. Each day is a new adventure and no one truly knows what will come of it. Your feelings count and matter, but I just want to shift your feelings to be about how you FEEL and not how you LOOK.
If all we come out with is a slight change in body composition, that is a huge win. People are losing their lives, risking their lives, and missing out on moments to support sick and dying family members at this time. How we feel is completely valid and should not be brushed to the side, however I think we can all work on finding gratitude in the days we are given. Because they truly are a gift.
Yours in self-discovery,