Tips to re-enter in-person fitness experiences

The world has begun to open up even more and you're ready (or wanting to become ready) to re-enter a gym or fitness studio. Is anyone else already sweating and getting a little anxious?! Me too! I have been so grateful to be able to move safely from home for the last 2+ years. It has not only allowed me to reach people from literally all over the world, but it has allowed our community to remain connected during a time of such disconnect and loneliness for many. As much as I’d love to remain 100% virtual, I know that as things shift and people feel more comfortable, t will start to go back to in-person experiences. 

It may have been a while since some of us ventured into a workout setting IRL with others, so I thought I’d share some tips & tricks to make that transition go smoothly for you. It is almost like doing it all over again for the first time, so I think the reminders will be helpful for us all.

  1. Listen to your body! I am laughing as I say this because I feel like this is always my motto. But it really is no different now. Take things slow. Some of us may have been without a spin bike or heavy weights for months or years, so be kind to yourself. Ease back into it to avoid injury or overdoing it from the start.

  2. Do what you feel comfortable with. I personally am not super comfortable being in person all the time right now. I wear a mask with my 1:1 in-person clients, I attend a VERY small (5-6 people) reformer class and I wear a mask, and I haven’t really been to any studio classes since March 2020. I hope that one day I’ll be there, where I am not too nervous or worried, but I’m just not yet. I think sometimes we don’t know what’s comfortable for us until we try but we have to respect everyone’s (including ourselves) choices. 

  3. Find movements you enjoy. Again, I feel like I always say this, but I feel like after more than 2 years of not being able to enjoy fitness classes and the gym, we really have to get our priorities in check. Go to that spin class if you love it, not because you feel like it is the right thing to do. We know what it feels like to have these experiences taken from us, so there is no sense spending time doing something out of obligation.

  4. Find a gym or studio that you feel comfortable with. Although most of the mandates around distancing and masking are no longer in effect, I do believe that some places are continuing to do it better than others. Remember how diligent the cleaning protocols were, remember how those businesses valued your safety and comfort, and ultimately choose those places to support. You’re spending your time and money there so make sure it is a good fit for what you need.

There is no right or wrong way to move our bodies, which means there is no right way to re-enter in-person workouts. Some of you reading this may already be there, and some may be more comfortable sticking with at-home workouts forever. Always remember to do what feels right for you, and what gets you excited again to come back for more.

Discover You is continuing to offer Zoom classes, on demand access, virtual and in-person 1:1 training, as well as some in-person classes. I’d love to see you whether in person or virtually so we can continue on this journey of feeling our best, together.

Yours in self-discovery,


Rachel Fackoury