How to Beat the Winter Blues


Winter can be difficult. The new year can specifically be even tougher. You’ve come down from the excitement and high of the holiday season and now it’s back to the grind of regular routines, perhaps less extra money to spend on fun activities, and not as much to look forward to with so much winter still ahead.

I am extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to escape winter and head to Florida for the last several years after Christmas. It has become the easiest time for me to take some time off since so many of my clients are busy enjoying the holiday season as well. I definitely have come back feeling refreshed and energized to tackle new business goals, but the winter can get to me still. 

Here is a list of things that I’m doing this winter to try to keep my energy and spirits high while I wait for spring to come!

Getting outside! I have made a goal to get outside as much as possible. I have actually put it into my calendar so I make a point to do it. I dress up warmly, download a good podcast, and get moving! The fresh air feels good and the steps are great especially on days when I feel like I haven’t moved as much.

Signing up for my workouts. As some of you know, I joined a gym in November 2023. It has truly been the best thing for me. It holds me accountable and has really gotten me into the best routine of my adult life. It allows me to push myself and also have a bit of social time with the people I’ve met in the classes.

Doing fun things with fun people. I try to make plans with my friends as much as possible. Yes, some of this requires paying for events or activities, but it can be as simple as just hanging out and watching a movie. When I make time for my friends, it fills my cup up to spend time with them.

Finding new hobbies. Although these aren’t new hobbies for me, I have been trying to enjoy more puzzling and reading lately. It is a fun way to pass the time on days when I don’t have as much going on.

Leaning into it. This time of year is darker and colder. I am leaning into it and enjoying the coziness of my home, focusing on cleaning those rooms and closets I never seem to have time for, and focusing more on my sleep.
No matter what you decide to do to get through the winter months, I hope you continue to choose ways to take care of yourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally. Your body and mind will thank you for it. 

Yours in self-discovery,


Rachel Fackoury