Tips to re-enter in-person fitness experiences

The world has begun to open up even more and you're ready (or wanting to become ready) to re-enter a gym or fitness studio. Is anyone else already sweating and getting a little anxious?! Me too! I have been so grateful to be able to move safely from home for the last 2+ years. It has not only allowed me to reach people from literally all over the world, but it has allowed our community to remain connected during a time of such disconnect and loneliness for many. As much as I’d love to remain 100% virtual, I know that as things shift and people feel more comfortable, things will start to go back to in-person experiences.

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Rachel Fackoury
It's okay to not be okay

I’m not going to lie, I haven’t felt this low ever in my life. I’ve been more anxious (about everything) than I care to admit and have just been getting by and managing the most extreme basics of my business and life. Although I am making strides to keep moving forward, some days are still challenging. Some days I can’t even identify why I am feeling down.

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Rachel Fackoury
And just like that...I've been a fitness professional for 10 years!

And just like that…I’ve been a professional in the fitness industry for 10 years! Wow! It is hard to believe so much time has gone by. It feels like just yesterday I took my first fitness course, the Zumba certification, and yet I feel like I have gained so much experience throughout the past several years. I am sending a massive thank you to my family, friends, and clients within the DY community. Without your support and interest in moving your bodies with me, I would not be where I am today.

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Rachel Fackoury